Bloom Energy’s solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) platform provides a non-combustion pathway to convert fuels directly to electricity without combustion. The Energy Server is fuel-flexible and can generate energy using natural gas, blended hydrogen, biogas or hydrogen. A modular platform approach provides a pathway to upgrade existing systems to align with the sustainability goals of our customers over time. With no water consumption during normal operation and a high operational efficiency, the Bloom Energy Server significantly reduces greenhouse emissions today, while providing a pathway to operate with cleaner fuels in the future.

The Bloom Energy Server provides reliable and resilient power to facilities. It is designed in a modular concept ideal for on-site distributed power generation, operating 24×7, supporting the power demand in grid parallel or in a microgrid architecture. In addition, the heat from the flue gas can be captured from the Energy Server and integrated in a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) application.

Bloom Energy has over 1.2 GW of power generation installations deployed globally across six countries. The Energy Server is suitable to address power needs in any industry and has multi-megawatt installations across industries such as retail, data centers, hospitals, sporting arenas, manufacturing and warehousing.