Waste to Energy

Our fuel cells turn potent greenhouse gas into clean energy. Learn how biogas energy generation can harness the power of waste.

Meet the Farmer Converting Waste from 7,000 Cows into Renewable Energy | Humanizing Energy

Bar20 Dairy
Kerman, CA

Waste to Electricity

Highest Efficiency, Lowest Carbon Intensity

Highest Efficiency, Lowest Carbon Intensity

Minimal Upgrading of Biogas

Minimal Upgrading of Biogas

No Combustion




100% Methane Destruction

100% Methane Destruction

Bloom Energy’s solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) provide an electrochemical pathway to convert biogas to electricity without combustion, producing carbon-neutral electricity with near zero air pollution and water usage.

Our biogas technology exhibits the highest electrical efficiency among commercially available technologies and produces the maximum amount of electricity from a fixed volume of biogas. This is accomplished while destroying methane and avoiding the increased GHG contributions the methane would otherwise create.

What is Biogas?

Biogas is a valuable byproduct of decomposing organic waste, however, if left untreated, acts as a dangerous pollutant. Of particular concern is methane.

What is Methane?

Organic waste generates large amounts of methane as it decomposes anaerobically. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas that traps heat in the atmosphere more efficiently than carbon dioxide. With a Global Warming Potential (GWP) more than 25 times greater than carbon dioxide, its potency makes it a key contributor of global emissions.

How is Methane from Waste Addressed?

Traditional methods of dealing with methane involve venting, flaring, combustion through an engine, or pipeline injection following significant, capital-intensive treatment.

Why Energy Efficiency Matters

Harnessing the power of waste to generate useful energy is an important tool towards achieving a net zero future. A biogas generator that can convert this waste to electricity at the highest efficiency possible ensures that we’re making the greatest contribution towards decarbonization. The Bloom Energy Server converts waste to electricity 40% more efficiently than combustion-based alternatives.


Tons of Organic Waste

The United States produces more than 70 million tons of organic waste each year.

70,000 Tons of Organic Waste for producing biogas energy

How a Biogas Fuel Cell Works to Generate Renewable Electricity

1. Collect & Digest

Organic waste and its byproducts contain an enormous amount of untapped energy potential. The most common form of recovery is through anaerobic digestion. Digesters break down bio waste to create biogas primarily consisting of methane.

2. Clean & Convert

Specialized gas conditioning equipment processes the raw biogas into a suitable feed for use within the fuel cells of Bloom Energy Servers, which then converts it into electricity via a non-combustion electrochemical reaction, virtually eliminating NOx, SOx, and other harmful criteria pollutants from the environment.

3. Plug In & Power

Once treated within the system, the biogas can be fed as fuel to Bloom Energy’s Servers, which will generate clean electricity via an electro-chemical reaction. Together, these technologies function as biogas energy generators and create an end-to-end solution for the capture, clean-up, and generation of renewable electricity from waste.

How biogas fuel cells Work

Attractive Economics for all Segments of Biogas

Dairy Waste
to Electricity

Dairy Waste to Electricity
Diary Waste to Electricity chart

Landfill Waste
to Electricity

Landfill Waste to Electricity
Landfill Waste to Electricity chart

to Electricity

Wastewaster to Electricity
Wastewater to Electricity chart

Charts are illustrative. Actual numbers will vary by project. RFS Value assumes biogas to electricity becomes an eligible pathway via eRINs

Waste to
Renewable Fuel

Bloom can provide the power and heat needs for a RNG or similar renewable fuels facility onsite – resulting in greater reliability, cost predictability and lower carbon intensity for the facility.

Illustrative Value Streams

Renewable Fuel Chart
Waste to Renewable Fuel

Biogas Treatment Highlights

Bloom Energy Servers can utilize proven, off-the-shelf gas conditioning equipment to process raw biogas into a suitable fuel for power generation.

CheckmarkCO2 removal not required

CheckmarkO2 removal not required

CheckmarkN2 removal not required

CheckmarkLower pressure requirement than pipeline injection

The Bloom Energy Experience: Biogas and Renewable Energy at Scale

Bloom Energy has been at the forefront of the energy transition since its inception, working to offer better alternatives to energy generation and delivery for nearly two decades. The versatility of our core solid oxide platform creates distinct advantages that enable applications across the entire energy value chain.

In operating our global fleet, Bloom has developed significant technical insights generating over 800 billion cell hours in the field. Our costs to manufacture have decreased dramatically, allowing a significant expansion of technological capabilities, increasing stack lifetimes and improving system efficiencies.

Our experience as a developer of fuel cell projects, in addition to our role as an OEM, provides us with the skill sets required to engage customers with turnkey solutions, develop model and finance portfolios, deliver competitive projects and consistently target mutually profitable opportunities for ourselves and our customers.

As we continue to innovate, we are deeply confident in our ability to leverage our scale, experience, continued cost improvements and core efficiency advantages to deliver the greatest value and provide the solutions needed to propel our customers towards a better energy future.

$1.3 B

2023 revenue

22B kWh

Produced without combustion

> 1.2 GW


~1200 installations

> 170 Microgrids

Contact our team to learn more about how Bloom Energy can make the most of your biogas and deliver maximum value to your business.