Overcoming Challenges of a Warming Planet: Policies and Technologies to Enable Green Hydrogen
Event Date: October 7, 2021
Nowadays, energy resiliency and reliability is on the minds of millions of Americans. The consequences of climate change – wildfires in the west, hurricanes in the south, and flooding in the Midwest and Northeast – have left scores without power and in grave danger in sweltering heat. The need for massive investment in decentralized, decarbonized […]
Nowadays, energy resiliency and reliability is on the minds of millions of Americans. The consequences of climate change – wildfires in the west, hurricanes in the south, and flooding in the Midwest and Northeast – have left scores without power and in grave danger in sweltering heat. The need for massive investment in decentralized, decarbonized and sustainable power has never been greater. Fuel cells, fed by renewable hydrogen, can help provide the foundation for a more secure and climate friendly energy future.
During this 75-minute webinar, learn about:
How green hydrogen can help decarbonize hard to decarbonize sectors
The policies needed at the federal and state level to help scale up renewable hydrogen and promote fuel cells
What utilities are doing to develop local and regional solutions to grid reliability based on fuel cell technology
What businesses and investors are spearheading to advance these solutions
Moderator: Lisa Jacobson, President, Business Council for Sustainable Energy
Albert Burgunder, Director, Clean Hydrogen, Linde Inc.
Donald Chahbazpour, Director of Regulatory Strategy – Future of Heat, National Grid
Paul Wilkins, Vice President for Federal Policy, Bloom Energy