Background on Bloom Energy and overview of the installation process.

Video Synopsis

Bloom Energy Installation Video

Video Length: 4:55

Talking Points:

  • Installing Bloom Energy Servers




Full Transcript

KR Sridhar:

Bloom produces electricity on site for customers in a reliable, affordable, and sustainable manner. On the outside of the bloom box, natural gas, the gas that comes into your home for cooking for heating, same gas goes in and outcomes electricity that comes into your main switch and gives you the electricity for the building. Inside of these bloom blocks, you have these little wafers called fuel cells. One fuel cell like this can produce enough power for one light bulb by taking fuel on one side, air on the other side, and producing electricity with no flame, with no combustion. So very little pollution, very high efficiency, no in between steps, great power

News Reporter:

Bloom energy is about to make public its invention, a little power plant in a box.

KR Sridhar:

We remove the need for massive scale, large, ugly power plants to a very sleek looking small box that can be next to your office, your commercial building, your neighborhood right there where you need it.


Each Bloom Energy server provides 250 kilowatts of power, and our projects can be scaled up to multiple megawatts depending on how much energy your facility needs. If you want more power, you can simply add additional servers. Electricity is generated continuously day and night, 24/7, 365 days a year. The systems are quiet and can’t be installed in landscaped areas, parking lots, or even on building roofs or setbacks.

Installing Bloom Energy Servers

And now let’s look at what it takes to install Bloom Energy Servers at a customer site. Bloom projects begin like many other energy projects. We engage with our customers to identify their energy needs and identify facilities that would be optimal for energy servers. We discuss energy demands of the buildings, including loads and reliability requirements. Together we evaluate utility expenses and rate structures in order to size the system to deliver significant operational savings. Once all the data is collected and sites identified as being prime locations, Bloom’s Field application engineers visit each site to develop a site layout design. The location of the energy servers, key electrical components, and other utility needs are taken into consideration for the final site layout. Our installation engineering team is comprised of the best electrical, mechanical, structural, and civil engineers in the industry. With a diverse background and understanding in all aspects of power generation system design, Bloom’s engineers are able to integrate complex systems into limited spaces, reducing overall impacts to the site.

In parallel to the site visit phase, our team of permitting specialists is researching local jurisdictions, design standards, permitting requirements, and overall permitting timeframes. Bloom has developed strong working relationships with governing agencies and utility companies, and we work together to receive permits and deliver projects on time. After construction permits have been obtained, the Bloom Construction Management Team coordinates a pre-construction walk to review the approved designs and to coordinate all construction activities. Schedules are reviewed and safety measures emphasized in order to avoid exposure to potential construction hazards. Construction operations begin with existing utility location marks, excavation and installation of underground utility systems and components. The Bloom Energy fuel cells are landed on either a precast or cast in place concrete pad. Once secured into place, the energy servers are connected to the natural gas, water, and electrical systems to complete the interconnection tie-ins. As construction progresses, inspections are conducted to ensure the project conforms to the approved design plans.

Once construction is completed, the contractors remove all excess construction materials and clean up the site. Following construction, Bloom initiates the commissioning phase of the systems. A multitude of tests are performed to ensure all promised demands are met. We conduct a final closeout of the site with our customer and set our ongoing O&M schedule with each site contact. After the site is fully operational, the project is handed over to the Bloom Energy Remote Monitoring and Control Center, which monitors each and every site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 365 days a year. Service visits are coordinated by the Bloom Energy Field Service team, and our Bloom technicians can be dispatched as needed outside of regularly scheduled maintenance. With thousands of systems operating in the field, Bloom is committed to delivering clean, reliable energy for our customers and the communities they operate in.